I LOVE my tug ring! It is SO much fun to tug! I love to pull pull pull people as far as I can get them. When the toy comes out, I sit and wait wait wait for someone to give me the OK to tug. I get ready. Get set. TUG!! SO much fun! I pull and tug and do all I can to get it away from whoever has it. I've been known to pull so hard people scoot across the floor. Then, the dreaded words come. "That's Enough!" and all the fun stops. It is a sad moment in my day. A real low point. I love to tug so much and it breaks my heart every time I have to stop. Mom and Dad are supposed to put my ring up when we are not playing tug. Sometimes they forget though and leave it out.
That's when I try to convince them to tug with me.
I pick it up and start to wave my feet around. The more I move, the more attention I get.
I fling it back and forth a little and try to get them to realize that I REALLY want to tug!
When that doesn't work, I give them this look, hoping that it will convince them to tug. I hope it will work! Who can say no to this face?!?
Oh. Mom and Dad can. It just gets me another "That's Enough" and gets my dear ring taken away. So sad. I may have to figure out something new next time. Or maybe I'll just go pout.
Love and Licks,
Book is now on Audible!! Look up, move forward
7 years ago
Poppy your mom takes some of the best pictures of you! :) You are a very pretty girl.
Cabana loves to tug, too. Why didn't you play that with her when you were over? You just wanted to play "Chew Each Others Jowls" instead!!
Oh Mimi! Tug is fun, but it can't compare to chewing on jowls! I can't do that with people! But, I can tug!
My Mom says thanks smilinshell11. Dad does a lot of our picture taking, but they turn out well because Mom fixes the setting ;)
Poppy you need to try jedi mind powers in combo with the puppy eyes. Try and find the weakest link in your family divide and conquer. that's what I say.
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