Did you know that people play strange games? My whole puppy group went to this place called Scandia a couple weeks ago. People take little balls and hit them with sticks. Sometimes the balls go through loop-to-loops. Some times they go in one place and you have to go down some stairs to see where your ball ended up. Really, it was quite strange. But, the people had a great time!
And you know what they did?? They used us puppies as hazards! How rude! Here were the rules: you HAD to have a puppy leash when it was your turn. (After all, we were there for a puppy meeting!) If we touched the ball, you added a stroke to your score. If we picked up the ball, you got a stroke added. Like we puppies are so likely to do such things?!?! Just to prove how insulted we were by the rules NONE of us touched the balls! Take that rule makers!
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7 years ago
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